Fenntarthatóság és körforgásos gazdaság


Granted Project Application

GRANTED PROJECT APPLICATION - The University of Pannonia and its consortium partners recieved a non-refundable grant of 4,775 billion HUF  from the National Research, Developement and Innovation Office within the Sustainability Based on Circular Economy Competence Center is going to be established in Veszrpém and in Nagykanizsa in the next three years. This center of competence fits well into the strategy of MOL, which main goal is sustainibility. Also MOL helps to achieve the goals of the consortium by providing an infrastructure and also a team of specialists

The preparation of the project was preceded by a more than 6 months long joint work between the University and its strategic partner, MOL. Implementation began on March 1, 2020.

Examining the values, competencies and opportunities of the University of Pannonia, it handles sustainability as priority among other research activities. All of this offers a unique opportunity for the University and also for its partners and for the locations of the implementation Veszprém and Nagykanizsa to become Hungary's leading research and developement and innovation forcne regarding enviromental protection, sustainibilty, responsible management of raw materials and mineral resources and it also a big opportunity  to join to the international innovation and research and developement cycle.

The center of competence fits well into the strategy of MOL, which main goal is sutainability. This center also strengthens the cooperation between the University and MOL. By implementing this project, the consortium can become the leading R+D force in Hungary regarding enviromental protection, sustainability and responsible raw material and mineral management.

As one of the strongest and most versatile company in Hungary which is present in many fields of operation, MOL helps achieving the goals of the consortium by providing infrastructure and specialists.

The Project consists of fice main pillars, which are sustainable energy production, recycling of waste, water technologies, and the developement of cities of the future and the shaping of tourism in accordance with the enviroment, which all of these are fundamental issues regarding future sustainability. The partners cooperating in the implementation are : MOL Nyrt., Hidrofilt Kft., Netta Pannónia Kft., Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., and Nagykanizsai Városfejlesztő Kft.

Our main goal is to establish a high-level resarsch and developement infrastructure and knowledge base by setting up a competitive R+D+I developement team that is able to display Hungary on the map of international innovation by leading the sustainability developements of the country.

Another main goal of the Project is to establish the Circular Economy Sustainability Competence Center at the University of Pannonia, which objective is to provide effective assistance regarding the integration of the requierements of the circular economy into future research and develeopement, innovation and educational activites.